lördag 31 augusti 2013

Jobba Hemifrån Online

Söker du en seriös internet möjlighet?

Hej och välkommen

Vi förmodar att du precis som oss vill jobba med något som ger en seriös inkomst och ger otrolig utveckling och där du jobba hemifrån online


Vi har har granskat runt lite och med facit handen så är det svårt att hitta något där man slipper ha lager och behöva sälja massa produkter till folk. Jo ett uppsjö av hälsoprodukter, skönhetsprodukter finns inom MLM koncept.

När vi fann SFM affärsverksamhet visste vi ingenting om internet marknadsföring och hur man driver trafik

Vi fann att affärssystemet var redan världskänt och beprövat så vi behövde inte själv uppfinna hjulet
Utan kunde plugga in till ett nyckelfärdigt digitalt online program med utbildningar och digitala produkter och tjänster

Ett Professionellt Affärssystem: Ett unikt träningsprogram där du “tjänar medan du lär dig” av Digital Expert Academy (DEA)

Bli en heltids eller deltids internet entreprenör genom att utbilda dig i Digital Experts Academy´s utbildningsprogram där du lär dig att marknadsföra och sälja i stort sett vilken produkt du vill på internet i framtiden. Detta utbildningsprogram är skapat med hjälp av befattningshavare från “Fortune 500” företag. Fortune 500 är en lista av USA´s mest framgångsrikaste företag

( En liten återkoppling till MLM verksamheter )
I dessa koncept måste du ofta ha homeparty för att marknadsföra produkterna och först och främst är det vännerna man prackar på.

I SFM affärssystem säljer SFM säljteamet åt dig och du tjäna ändå stor provision. Här jobbar du inte på dina vänner utan du har kunder världen över. Det du lär dig är att driva trafik på Internet så att kunderna hittar dig. 

Här är en liten lista på hur SFM arbetar

  • SFM & DEA förser dig med hög konventerande webbsidor med ett unikt affiliate ID
  • SFM & DEA behandlar alla dina kundordrar och betalar dig direkt till ditt SFM konto
  • SFM & DEA förser dig med produkter med hög efterfrågan på marknaden
  • SFM & DEA hanterar all leverans av produkter samt uppföljning med kund
  • SFM placerar alla dina webbsidor under deras system och underhåller dem åt dig om du har tidigare webbsidor relaterat till samma niche.
  • SFM & DEA  hanterar alla kundservice samtal 

  • Unikt online kontor med live rapportering så du alltid kan hålla koll på dina siffror i din verksamhet
  • Kurser online och upp till 10 live träningar i veckan för att främja din verksamhet(blir också inspelade)
  • SFM & DEA hjälper dig att bestämma din vinstmarginal genom att utveckla en personlig affärsplan för dig
  • Ett unikt spårningssystem så du alltid vet varifrån dina försäljningar sker.
  • Och mycket mera till
Här har du möjlighet att boka upp dig till svensk support
Lyssna på videon och boka tid och de kommer att kontakta 

söndag 25 augusti 2013

Visst är det svårt att hitta något seriöst på Internet och framförallt någon som visar och leder en rätt.

Starta din egen internet verksamhet på nätet? Se hur.....

Visst är det svårt att hitta något seriöst på Internet och framförallt någon som visar och leder en rätt.

Det finns en mängd av program, men vill man jobba med svenskt team och inget MLM koncept så är det faktiskt svårt att hitta något liknade som SFM :s affärssystem som ger ut utbildningar om hur man bygger upp ett eget företag på Internet om man inte har en egen produkt.

Dessutom är det svårt att hitta någon som kan hjälpa en direkt, som en mentor

En mentor som visar precis hur du går tillväga och ger dig alla tips hur du ska jobba framgångsrikt

Många program ska man bara betala och sen vet man inte vad man ska göra, dvs hur man driver det på Internet.

I SFM Online program tar man först del av ansökning för att se om konceptet passa just dig. Om detta kan vara något för dig att skapa din inkomst igenom.

Redo för något som eventuellt kommer att förändra ditt liv och hjälpa dig att starta din egen internet verksamhet på nätet? Om du är svaret är ja, då denna sida är för dig.

Om du är precis som oss avskyr scam program och vill ha något som ger seriös långsiktig business och hemifrån som ska ge ditt levebröd rekommenderar vi dig att boka tid med våra svenska business partners


tisdag 25 juni 2013

Söker du en Internet möjlighet? Vi har konceptet för dig som vill jobba endast via Internet

Jobba hemifrån och skapa mer frihet och skapa den dröm livsstil du önskar 

Ett exklusivt “Affärssystem”, som erbjuder en mycket unik online utbildning inom internetföretagande och internetmarknadsföring samt hjälper dig att skapa en inkomst online

Erbjuds grundläggande kunskap och den yrkeskompetens som krävs för du ska få framgång på nätet i dagens turbulenta ekonomi.

Ersätta din nuvarande inkomst genom att plugga in till SFM , The Six Figure Mentors, ett färdigt fungerande försäljningssystem som har ett bevisat resultat världen över.

I SFM online programmet finns tillgång av live och online utbildning, tillgång till SFM :s gemensamma forum för endast medlemmar, utbildning om hur du driver trafik på internet , DEA online produkter att marknadsföra, utbildning via video mallar, seo utbildning,utbildning av världskända lärare, eget domännamn, egen färdig WordPress blogg, SFM egna färdiga blogg med ditt domännam, 15-tal färdiga hemsidor, färdiga betalsidor, atuomatisk e-mail utskick till kunder världen runt , olika startegier och vertyg att kunna marknadsföra produkterna eller tjänsten , sidor med tips om var man kan bli återförsäljare eller affiliate och där man kan marknadsföra SFM & DEA,.Dessutom kan du sätta upp produkter och priser, skapa banners, spårnings länkar, roteringssystem för dina webbsidor, se rapporter i realtid på nätet och mycket mera till....

Vill du arbeta / Jobba hemifrån med en seriös internet möjlighet och med unika digitala produkter

Svensk Video Info:   KLICKA IN HÄR

tisdag 9 april 2013

No more unpaid bills! No more heartaches !

Start To Make Money Online

Join the SFM (The Six Figure Mentors ) community and DEA (Digital Experts Academy) !!

Digital Experts Academy (DEA) and SFM is a private, membership-based, digital marketing education system founded by Internet Marketing gurus Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross. The sole purpose of the Academy is to offer the most prestigious college-level, business training to members so they may achieve financial independence – as independent online entrepreneurs – within three years or less.
Members have a trusted ally, resource and protection that can only come from an organization with the collective brain power, expertise, and results like DEA.

Who Are The Six Figure Mentors Aimed At?
No matter who you are, where you come from what your experiences are or indeed aren’t the internet makes no distinctions. Anyone and we mean any one can be shown, taught, mentored, and coached to leverage the awesome power of the internet. You will see on the right hand side of the page testimonials from many different people from many backgrounds who today earn their living from being online. So Doctor, Scientist, Banker, Baker, Bin Man, Benefits Claimant, Estate Agent regardless if you have the desire and a couple of hours each week then the six figure mentors is for you, you will learn how to make money online, create an online income and have the luxury of working from home or any other place in the world you have internet access.
We train you to use the internet to make a lucrative income from home and we cooperate with a strong community with the best of the best in terms of sales systems, training, unique products and a compensation plan that will have you creating amazing result

The Six Figure Teaching System - What You Will Lean

You Will Lean To:
  • Make Money Online
  • Generate Online Income
  • Create Marketing Strategies That Attract Buyers
  • Create Tangible and Non Tangible Profit Centers
  • Build Web Sites
  • Leverage Online Marketing Tools
  • Construct Profitable Product Funnels
  • Resilient and Self Funding
  • Be dependent on only you
  • Be FREE From Your Current Life
  • Change What Needs Changed When You Want
  • Become a Six Figure Mentor

“The SFM System Works Around The Clock Generating Massive Income on Autopilot…”

The information you will receive will describe, in detail, the key to massive wealth and freedom, and more importantly, how to maintain that lifestyle forever.

For this genuinely priceless information, I ask a nominal application fee of $19.95. Imagine that. For less than 20 dollars you will be handed the information to change your life forever.

  • No more misery
  • No more unpaid bills
  • No more headaches
  • No more heartaches

just a fabulous lifestyle of limitless opportunity!

You truly could have the home of your dreams, the car of your dreams, and anything else you desireI guarantee it!

Any person eager to join the Six Figure Mentors will have to submit an application.

The process of going through an application allows the Six Figure Mentors to accept only serious and like minded people.


A unique and highly successful Internet business template to follow…
Everyone knows online marketing can be hard. Lead generation can also be a challenge. With the support from me and our community you will discover, it becomes surprisingly easy…
And that’s not all…
Here’s why so many people are raving about our system and what you’ll be able to enjoy should your application be accepted…
  • Eight powerful potential income streams (and growing). Letting you have “multiple streams of income” — for ultimate financial security and wealth building. Including residual income!
  • A large commission on each sale — to start making real money (or simply replace your current job income) as fast as humanly possible.
  • Recession-proof profits. (SFM has seen record growth during the current “great recession.”)
  • Zero experience necessary. (Can you use email? Surf the Web? Then you have all the “skills” you need to get started. However, you still must qualify.)
  • Your own copy of our fully integrated, “turn key” system that generates your leads and then closes and sells them for you — AUTOMATICALLY on AUTOPILOT. (We spent over $250,000 dollars building and perfecting this from scratch — you can use it right out of the box as part of your membership.)
  • Professional business consultants doing all the “grunt work” selling for you. (No personal selling, convincing or explaining — ever!)
  • Simple, step-by-step instructions showing you exactly what to do. (No tediously long “learning curves”, frustration or struggling to figure things out.)
  • Unlimited email and live chat support if you ever need it. (We don’t just leave you “hanging”, we WANT you to succeed.)
  • Access to our “member’s only” community forum. (You’ll be a part of our growing community with many highly successful home based business owners — including millionaires who work with us — freely and generously sharing their knowledge, experiences and ideas.)
  • Massive income potential. (Obviously we cannot guarantee your income, as that’d be illegal and unethical. But this system has generated six figure incomes in direct and passive income in less than ONE year for some of our members. So the sky truly is the limit.)
  • Time freedom. (“Full-time” is considered 12-15 hours a week by many of our members. You can use our system to replace your job income while working part-time from home, if you want. In fact, many members operate their businesses from a cell phone from work on their breaks or lunch hour!)
  • Mobility. (SFM can be run from anywhere in the world with a phone and laptop. Want to take a trip? No Problem. Take a week off? No Problem. The system will close your sales and generate income for you even if you’re out of town, spending time with your kids or curled up asleep on the beach!)
  • Low cost to get started. (Far less than many other home based business opportunities — and especially far less money than starting a traditional business or getting a degree.)
  • Works fast. (You can get started in the next few minutes if you really have a fire to succeed in your belly!)
  • No binding contracts. (Members are free to terminate their memberships at any time without penalty.)
  • Works for both introverts and extroverts. (Including super shy “hermits” who hate talking to people!)
  • Designed for the average person, and assumes you know nothing about business, computers or sales whatsoever. (The average SFM member is 47 years old without any computer, sales or business experience. It simply doesn’t matter how much you know or don’t know to do this business, as long as you qualify.)
  • And much much more…


This part is easy. CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR YOUR PLACE. The Six Figure Mentors Application Pack process is 3 simple steps.
STEP 1: Pay the application fee of $19.95. Don’t worry, this is refundable within 30 days should you decide this or not for you or The Six Figure Mentors decide you’re not the right person for the community.
STEP 2: The application will be processed within 24-48 hours and you will be contacted by a Six Figure Mentor to see if you’re a good fit for our community.
STEP 3: You receive a complimentary product for completing The Six Figure Mentors Application Pack process, THE INTERNET LAPTOP LIFESTYLE. As you can imagine, it can take a while to filter through the applications so you get to see what The Six Figure Mentors are all about while you wait.

Welcome aboard!
And by applying today for only $19.95 let me give you a complementary product INSTANTLY to get you started…While we filter through the applications, which I hope you appreciate can take some time!
I’m going to give you instant access to the Internet Laptop Lifestyle to get you started right away!

You’ll get instant access to 6 hours of video footage taken from a sold out seminar I ran earlier this year which is valued at $497… This alone will blow you away and it’s just one of the bonuses waiting for you!

“The Ultimate Caveat”

When your payment is processed you will get sent login details for our private online platform and you can immediately log in and access the bonus videos…
If you decide to ask for your application fee back in 30 days (Or if we decide you do not qualify to join our community) I’ll still let you have unlimited access to the Internet Laptop Lifestyle course, no questions asked.

Start Your Personal Journey Towards A Better Lifestyle Today!

Get Access Now

To Your Success

The Six Figure Mentors

fredag 5 april 2013

"Do You Know The Real Secret To Earning Money Online?

It’s not just about the money. It’s about the lifestyle...

Det handlar inte bara om pengar.  Livsstilen är viktigaste 

Jobba Hemifrån idag

"What If You Could Start Generating Income Online in 72 Hours or Less...Plus Get 6 Hours Of Critical Business-Building Strategies To Get You Running on Autopilot?"


Here’s your opportunity to get instant access to Stuart
and the Internet Laptop Lifestyle...


If you’re looking for the opportunity to get proven training material by Stuart Ross...
The most experienced and sought-after genius in the Internet marketing Industry...
Then this will be the most exciting letter you may ever read..

  Vill du veta hur på bästa sätt tjäna pengar på Internet? Följ steg för steg vad som krävs

  Jag kan garantera att du blir inte besviken

"Do You Know The Real Secret To
Earning Money Online?"<


tisdag 2 april 2013

Do you want an easy way to make money on the Internet from home that is real

Are you looking for work right now? Do you want an easy way to make money on the Internet from home that is real -- no bull, no fluff, just the facts, please? Then do I have a real career opportunity for you! After learning the details, you can literally be bringing an income from simple articles within 24 hours. Read on for how and why.

After spending many years testing and tracking the income-pulling power of the Internet, I keep coming back to one single opportunity that beats them all, and continues to make me income on
autopilot.... Freelance Article Writing! In fact, every high-priced money-making course out there, created by a worthy guru, has a section in it dedicated to this opportunity.

Lawrence Hoyle says this Web 2.0 Bible is a must have. " We have spoke a few times in the past and I had been mentioning all the success with your program. I have been a member now for almost a year and I am happy to report that I am currently making a consistent $500 per day. I am attaching some of my current pay reports and proof to share with your members to show this really works as you explained before I joined. I can not say enough about what I have learned and have experienced with the success I have had in the past year. It is so nice to finally be able to work from home with something that actually works and I have so much fun doing so. Thank you for everything."

Ellen P. - Lexington, KY


A Proven Way To Make REAL Money Online

Why Network Marketers Are Getting Sick Of Traditional Downline Building Techniques, And Using a New Concept Of Selling High Ticket Products Online to Make More Money Than Ever...


"My System Is A Proven Way To
Make REAL Money Online!"

And before you ask...

The System is NOT a Company.

It’s NOT a product

It’s NOT a money game.

So what is the Solution?

It’s a solution to running a real online business without the downline mentality MLM businesses have to offer where you need to recruit the total population of Scotland to make any real money...

This Solution will allow you to earn while you learn...You could easily put cash into your pocket as soon as you start...WEBSITE

onsdag 20 mars 2013

About SEOPressor

Upgraded WordPress SEO Plugin Released to Send Marketers to the Top of Google Searches

After 2 years, SEOPressor has decided to step up its game with 5 new features. Apart from bringing websites of any niche to the number 1 position on Google, it now offers more for on-page SEO.

SEOPressor had caused quite a stir in the Internet market because of its claims since its release 2 years ago. To be able to bring any WordPress website of any niche to the coveted #1 position on the Google search engines is a bold claim but to date, SEOPressor has justified that claim by becoming the most highly rated plugin for over 40,000 satisfied WordPress users on the Internet.

The newly released SEO WordPress plugin, now offers 5 new features to give online marketers a greater competitive edge for on-page SEO. One of it is the much anticipated over-optimization check in which users are alerted the instant they are over-optimized. This new feature would definitely relief many users who fear being penalized by Google since their latest algorithm updates.

The updated SEOPressor also comes with Facebook Open Graph tags and Twitter card integration, which apparently helps in social SEO. Not much has been said about the benefits for this feature, but is widely speculated to play a significant role in the future of Google searches. There is also smart and automatic linking whereby typical keyword links used would be saved and upon typing the new keywords, they would automatically be hyperlinked when drafting out newer articles.
SEOPressor V5 also comes with a structured data tool which allows the user to display the most relevant information about their product, service, recipe, event or even their profile. Google takes into account visitor behaviour when it comes to providing users the best search experience and the structured data tool would prove to come in very useful in optimizing on-page relevancy.

One of SEOPressor’s proudest feature would be its LSI Analysis, where it provides users a suggested list of related keywords for them to include into their page to boost its relevance and thereby giving it higher chances to dominate result pages. SEO should not be neglected and even Google’s Matt Cutts advocated, “Google does not hate SEO”.
SEO should be embraced, as it helps Google perform its best and SEOPressor V5 becomes a recommended solution to achieving that goal.

With SEOPressor V5, calculating keyword density, formatting keywords for search engine optimization, calculating the SEO score of a WordPress Page to determine how well it will be ranked on the search engines, management of content such as posts – all become things of the past.

About SEOPressor: SEOPressor was developed when Daniel Tan found that a growing number of fresh, Internet Marketers out there are completely inexperienced and haven’t much of a clue as to how to do on-page SEO as the process can get quite daunting. Realizing how difficult it is to manually do on-page SEO and that outsourcing can cost too much time, money and effort that usually produce shoddy results, SEOPressor stepped forward as the mandatory WordPress SEO Plugin for anyone who wanted to conduct on-page SEO more effectively and 

Click here for more information